Monday, August 27, 2007

Tenth Meating

1)I experience negative peer pressure when. I was 4th year highschool my classmates invite me to drink beer.
2)I answered them "no I know what is right and if you already accept God you never do it".
-I did that because I like them to analize my answer that any kind of alcoholic drinks my have bad side effect to them, if they continue to do it.

3)I feel very happy, because they followed my decision, and I know that decision will help them a lot.
4)I leared to say no, and to give good advice to others.
-I realize that we can avoid peer pressure and, the important of the decision that we maid.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Realization about Movie

I am very afraid when I watch that movie I know It's very alarming If green house effect will c0me.All of us sould be aware on it and try our bast to solve the problems about green house effect,understand the bad effect of us if it will continue.

My plan and realization about my health

I try to have healty body, because I always manage my time to have physical exercise, I don't smoke, don't drink alcoholic drink in the other hand I don't have enough sleep, and I don't eat in the right time sometimes. I don't like to eat, I only sleep thats the reason why I don't already have healty body. My plan, I think I should be mateur for taking care in my health, and change the wrong habit that I did before.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Right Treatment

4)If someone commited mistake others should help him /her.
5)Learn to say no and others sould respect it.
6)If you have comments or suggestion say it in the proper and nice way.Everydody should respect and listen to it.


1.I pasted our long quiz on Logic and Physical Science.
2.I didn't beated all the chalange, but I am very happy for what I did because I started to
study well.
3.I experienced to be disapointed to the result of what I did, but I always learned on it and try to be a better person.


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